Starting Over After 50
(Garrett) When I was younger I thought I knew a lot about life. Maybe I did, I have always been a thinker and keenly observant. I certainly have a different perspective now in a great many areas. After an unwanted divorce at 24 years of marriage, I found myself seeing life through a different lens.
Let me explain a little about myself so you can understand me better. I'm basically a creative person, always content if I'm building something, whether it's a video, song, restoring a classic car or remodeling a room. I'm intensely musical, athletic, friendly and often quiet. My mind is ALWAYS running at full speed and I can learn anything. Often described by those who know me best as a renaissance man, I believe in balance, mind-body-spirit. I try to nurture all 3 every day. But even a creative, open person can get stuck.
When I was in the midst of the divorce, the Lord told me clearly, "Say Yes To Everything." I said yes to Ballroom Dancing, a Hebrew Roots Bible Study and many other things I had excused myself from in the past. Eventually I said yes to the Lord in regards to fighting for someone. I put myself in a very uncomfortable position relationally. While I can't go into much detail, I can say it was a position I could never had withstood as a younger, less confident man. My confidence has come from my consistent, daily walk with God. Through this situation he kept telling me "I've got your back." And he did. I grew substantially over that time period.
I made the conscious and sometimes difficult decision to press in and fight for someone in whom I saw immense treasure. One of the things I have learned about God is he always sees people in light of their true potential. He created us with amazing potential. For example, when he called to Gideon (Judges 6) he said “The LORD is with you, O mighty man of valor." He saw Gideon with the potential he created IN him, a mighty man of valor. It didn't matter to God that Gideon was hiding from his enemies. He called to him prophetically. I have learned over the years to see people and things in light of their potential. After wrestling with God and seeking counsel from trusted friends, I decided to fight for the girl.
As men it is EASY to get stuck, to accept things that are difficult to change. We get stuck in the day to day rut of working and providing for our families or building for future retirement or seeking pleasure as our reward. It has become important to me to stay malleable, to resist the gravity of life so that my problems and shortcomings do not become concrete. I will NOT stay mired in regrets. I can change and I have. Of course it's a process. Coach Nick Saban of Alabama calls his coaching style "The Process." I believe this same process can be applied to manhood. Basically, if I keep working on myself in all 3 areas, body, mind and spirit, I can improve and become a better man. What was ok yesterday is not good enough today. I have embraced the process of change.
So after getting married again it was time for a "couple's project." We knew we needed a project house and had even looked at a few. Then one day through God ordained circumstances we found this place. We knew it was ours from the moment we drove up the driveway. Cindy has the same prophetic viewfinder I have. So when we saw this house we immediately saw the potential of what it could be.So let the renovation "process" begin!