New Music!
Here is a short sample of the first completed track from my new instrumental project. I have so many of these "fiddly-diddlies" as I call them - short instrumental pieces based around a musical motif that I improvise around whenever I'm playing solo piano. I sometimes call them "Soundtracks with No Movies." I have been performing with a very talented girlfriend here in Nashville, Allison Brazzel, for the last few years and she encouraged me to name all my "fiddlies," & organize them into an album. So that's what she & I have been working on for the last few months. Each instrumental piece is named after an emotion or experience. Some people in Christian circles refer to music like this as "soaking music." It is our hope & prayer that when people listen, they will relax, meditate, pray, & be healed in some way. This one is titled, "Healing." Healing is many times slow, inconsistent, painful, even agonizing. This piece is 9 minutes long but I took time with it so the listener would not feel rushed as they wept, grieved, & forgave. I will offer each piece in the STORE as single purchases as it is completed, or you may wait & purchase the album. The songs are placed in a particular order intentionally so that when you listen from beginning to end it will be a spiritual experience. Enjoy!