Fear? Not!!
How many times a day do we either hear these familiar phrases or say them ourselves? I think if we were to really pay attention to what we think about, & in turn verbalize, we would be amazed at how FEAR-MOTIVATED we are. Do you know that studies in the healthcare profession have proven without a doubt that physical afflictions as minor as heartburn & as major as heart-attacks can many times be associated with fear-related stress? We have a fear of confronting & being confronted, yet we fear being alone. We fear death, but sometimes are afraid to face one more day of life. We fear the unknown, but are still afraid when we know what will happen next. Those among us who make a big noise & seem to be able to take on anything may have an underlying fear of relinquishing control. But one thing is certain: FEAR IS PARALYZING. While it may succeed in limiting some of our pain, it also limits the joy we could be experiencing in our lives. FEAR DOESN'T COMPARTMENTALIZE. If I were the bumper sticker type, I would have only one on my vehicle, & it would read: FEEL YOUR LIFE. I made a conscious decision years ago that I was not going to let Fear dictate major decisions I made in my relationships. This decision didn't mean that I would glibly skip into any relationship that afforded itself, whether business, romantic or otherwise, willy-nilly. It simply meant that I would give God more room, more license to move in a future I was not seeking to completely manage & control. Great! So how did it work for you, Cin? Well, I can safely say that since the time I made that fateful decision, I have been devastated more deeply than I can pen, lied to & betrayed, abandoned by those who claimed they loved me, taken advantage of, taken for granted, quietly endured vicious tirades, the list goes on. And not because I was stupid!! I can also say without a doubt, that the reward & dare I say ecstasy I have enjoyed as a result of being motivated by unconditional love is deep. It's indescribable. When Yahshua was languishing in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before He was crucified, He too had a decision to make. Would He allow Fear to override the reason for which He was sent? Or would He "feel His life" one more demeaning morning, one more torturous afternoon, 3 more heroic days & nights challenging His Ancient Enemy, forever altering the face of Time & Eternity.
"Fear not, for I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you." "In this world you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." If we could only begin to understand & tap the far-reaching strength promises like these have the potential of affording our worn-out hearts, we would never again fear the fire.